08 Jul My History
For forty years I was an ice cream maker. This certainly doesn’t make me a master of life but now I would like to take care of young people, who are so precious and irreplaceable. So young people don’t like advice, I was like that too. However, without arrogance, I would like to give some advice this evening. I would like to invite young people to reflect on these words.
The first is passion.
There is no life without passion and you can only look for this within yourself. Don’t listen to those who want you to be important. Passion can also be transmitted. Look inside and you will find it there.
The second is joy.
What makes a life successful is enjoying what you do. I remember the joy in my father’s tired face and in my mother’s smile as we all sat around a set table in the evening. It is precisely from joy that that feeling of completeness of someone who is living their life fully is born.
The third is courage.
It is essential to be courageous and learn to live believing in yourself. Having problems or making mistakes is simply a natural thing, it is necessary not to be defeated. The most important thing is to feel satisfied knowing that you have given everything, that you have done your best, in your own way and according to your abilities. Look to the future and move forward.
The fourth happened.
If you follow joy and passion, then we can also talk about success, about this word which seems to have remained the only value in our society. But what does it mean to be successful? For me it means realizing in life what you are, in the best way. And this applies both to the footballer, the carpenter, the farmer or the baker, the ice cream maker.
The fifth is sacrifice.
I suffered back and neck injuries when I was young, which have created problems and pain throughout my career, and even now
I managed to live and live with those pains thanks to the sacrifice which, I assure you, is not a bad word. Sacrifice is the essence of life, the door to understanding its meaning. Youth is the time of construction, so you must train well now. Your future will depend on it. This is why the years you are living are so important. Don’t believe what comes without sacrifice. Don’t trust me, it’s an illusion. Effort and hard work build a bridge between dreams and reality.
All my life I made sure to remain the boy I was, who loved ice cream and went to bed clutching an ice cream scoop to his chest. Today I only have a few more gray hairs and many old scars. But my dreams are always the same. Those who make continuous efforts are always full of hope. Embrace your dreams and chase them. Everyday heroes are those who always give their all in life.
And this is precisely what I wish for you and also for my children.
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